
Importance of Research

Research contributes to expanding human understanding, facilitating advancement, enhancing well-being, fostering creativity, establishing trustworthiness, pinpointing areas for improvement or growth, confirming hypotheses, evaluating outcomes, enhancing effectiveness, and more. Writing and publishing research papers can solidify a researcher’s status as an expert in their field, propel their career and professional growth, validate their discoveries, assess research funding proposals, enhance the educational experience for students and scholars, and showcase leadership abilities and proactive behaviour. 

Peace Research and peace and conflict studies are a data-driven field that balances theory and practice to inform a knowledge base that can be used to build peace. Peace research and peace studies are covering research and teaching on the causes of violence, including war, and the conditions of Peace Research is an interdisciplinary field. It also aims to understand how factors lead to the increase or decrease of violence. Peace Research studies are also related to the philosophy, theory, and practice of conflict resolution, peace education, and peace movements. It researches the conditions for peaceful relations between states, groups and people.

About JoPSaR

“The Journal of Peace Strategies and Research (JoPSaR)” aims to provide an open-access platform to everyone related to the field of peace and related areas.  The researchers, professionals, students, and other interested individuals are welcome to share their research in the field of peace and related topics within their respective fields. The JoPSaR will be published on the 20th   day of March, June, September and December. 

The JoPSaR offers a thorough understanding of how socio-economic factors interact with peace through comparative research to address the complex issues present in modern society and carefully analyse and participate in discussions on contemporary topics. The Journal covers a wide range of subjects in peace, without limitations to any specific field within these areas. The Journal encourages interdisciplinary research that involves in-depth analysis of the mentioned field along with other disciplines in the modern age. We invite researchers, students, professionals and interested individuals to submit their research papers in the field of peace and related areas to our “The Journal of Peace Strategies and Research (JoPSaR)”. 

About Publisher

The JoPSaR is a section of “Research Park Division” (https://researchpark.in/), Peace Park Publication Group, Peace Strategies Private Limited (https://peacestrategies.info/). The Publisher’s goal is to Let’s make peace a culture by publishing research papers that promote the progress of human society.  Every organisation requires backing from stakeholders in the area to achieve its objectives. Research Park, the pool for the publishing division of Peace Strategies Private Limited, also calls for support from all stakeholders to elevate the research field and contribute to society’s development.

Be a Partner 

Peace Strategies Private Limited is divided into three groups: Publication and Media Group, Promotional Activities Group, and Social Engineering Group. Every group is made up of several divisions in order to achieve the goal. “Work with us as a Partner.” Let’s come together to help one another thrive. We have presented a document below with three sections discussing our partnership requirements.

Publication Group Partnership

Our Peace Park Publication Group consists of three divisions for publications: Popular Park, Research Park, and Peace Park Print. Our publishing departments are releasing both popular and research journals. Below is the enumeration of journals.

Our Popular Park 

The Consumer Park (English) – online journal

The Consumer Park (Tamil) – online journal

The News Park (English) – online journal

The News Park (Tamil) – online journal

The News Park Mobile Application

Our Research Park 

The Journal of Law, Management and Social Science Research (JLMSSR)

The Journal of International Institutions, Constitutional Law and Governance (JIICLG)

The Journal of Crimes, Accidents, Criminal Law and Victimology (JCACLV)

The Journal of Peace Strategies and Research (JoPSaR) 

The Journal of Peace Space, Sea and Air (JPSSA)

The Journal of Voterology and Research (JoVaR)

Be a member/Author

We cordially welcome high academic and research professionals to serve on the editorial board, advisory committees and review committees of our research journals.  Share your research papers with our publications. Those who are willing to dedicate themselves are requested to contact us at: researchpark9@gmail.com and  contact@researchpark.in 

Be Our Goodwill Ambassadors/Patrons

We are designating Goodwill Ambassadors and Patrons for our journals, who back our efforts to enhance the spreading of news and awareness articles to all segments of the public and to advance the research activities. The photos of the Goodwill Ambassadors and Patrons will be published in this section for a period agreed upon by both parties. Those who are willing to dedicate themselves are requested to contact us at: peacestrategies99@gmail.com

Be Our Advertiser

Advertising income is crucial for the success of Popular Park and Research Park publications as it is used to raise awareness among the public and advance society through research findings. Kindly step forward to promote your products and service in “Popular Park and Research Park journals to help us. To obtain further information, reach out to us at:  peacestrategies99@gmail.com

Promotional Activities Group Partnership

Our Promotional Activities Group consists of three divisions: Development Projects, Image building and Programme Planning. Whenever we launch new projects or events, we will announce the need for partnerships.

Social Engineering Group Partnership

Our Social Engineering Group is getting ready to create “The International Institute of Peace Strategies and Research”, “The International Institute of Space Peace and Research”, and “The International Institute of Voterology and Research”, and is looking for Goodwill Ambassadors/Patrons, Sponsors, as well as volunteers with expertise in teaching and research. Our Knowledge Park and Community Service divisions are focused on helping the community by collaborating with generous individuals and institutions. For more details, contact us by emailing peacestrategies99@gmail.com

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